GAMES202 Lecture 03 - Real-Time Shadows 1

GAMES202_Lecture_03 (


I. Shadow Mapping

Reference: Real-Time Rendering, 4th Edition

The idea of shadow mapping is to render the scene, using the z-buffer, from the position of the light source that is to cast shadows. Whatever the light sees is illuminated, and the rest is in shadow.

To use the shadow mapping, the scene is rendered a second time (Pass 2), but this time with respect to the viewer. As each drawing primitive is rendered, its location at each pixel is compared to the shadow mapping. If a rendered point is farther away from the light source than the corresponding value in the shadow mapping, that point is in shadow. Otherwise, it is not.


Shadow Mapping is:


Pass 1Pass 2APass 2B
Depth ViewEye's View (Depth)




The definitions of z value used in shadow mapping and in depth-test must be consistent.


Common Issues and Solutions

Self Occlusion



Adding a (variable) bias to reduce self occlusion

Now the shadow occurs only if the difference exceeds certain threshold:




Second-Depth Shadow Mapping

Store the second-minimum depth when generating the shadow map.


Assume the light source is directly above.





II. The Math behind Shadow Mapping

Approximating the Rendering Equation

In real-time rendering, we care about fast and accurate approximation. (Approximately equal)

An important approximation throughout RTR:

Ωf(x)g(x)dxΩf(x)dxΩdxThe average valueof f(x) over the intervalΩg(x)dx


The rendering equation with term V(p,ωi) for explicit visibility


can be approximated as, if not considering term regarding to self-emittance,

Lo(p,ωo)Ω+V(p,ωi)dωiΩ+dωiΩ+Li(p,ωi)fr(p,ωi,ωo)cosθidωiDo shading directly without considering visibility

Will be reviewed again when discussing Ambient Occlusions.


III. Percentage Closer Filtering (PCF) and Percentage Closer Soft Shadows (PCSS)



Percentage Closer Filtering


The Algorithm

Compute the visibility term in the rendering equation:

  1. Instead of performing a single query, perform multiple (e.g., 7×7) depth comparisons for each fragment:

    • Method: In the shadow map (figure below), query the neighboring region of point P on the shadow map

    • Querying the fragment: the farther the fragment is to the light source, the blurrier its corresponding shadow will be.

  1. Then, averages the results of comparisons.

For example:



Wrong example: filtering on the result




Percentage Closer Soft Shadows




PCSS - The Complete Algorithm

  1. Blocker Search:

    • Get the average blocker depth in a certain region inside the shadow map:

      • In a region, what is the average depth of the area that covers the shading point?

  2. Penumbra Estimation:

    • Use the average blocker depth to determine filter size

  3. Percentage Closer Filtering




Video Game: Dying Light