Advanced light transport and materials
Mostly FYI
Unbiased light transport methods
Bidirectional Path Tracing (BDPT)
Metropolis Light Transport (MLT)
Biased light transport methods
Photon Mapping
Vertex Connection and Merging (VCM)
Instant Radiosity (VPL or Many light methods)
An unbiased Monte carlo technique does not have any systematic error
The expected value of an unbiased estimator will always be the correct value, regardless of the number of samples used
Otherwise, biased
One special case, the expected value converges to the correct value as infinite #samples are used - consistent
Trace sub-paths from both the camera and the light
Connects endpoints from both sub-paths
Suitable if the light transport is complex on the light's side
Similar to precomputing for the light source
Difficult to implement & quite slow
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) application
Jumping from the current sample to the next with some PDF
Application of MCMC leads to a series of generated samples whose distribution exactly matches the target function to be integrated, resulting in the minimum variance.
Very good at locally exploring difficult light paths
Key idea
Locally perturb an existing path to get a new path
Works great with difficult light paths
Specular-Diffuse-Specular path, SDS path
Difficult to estimate the convergence rate
Does not guarantee equal convergence rate per pixel, because MCMC is for local sampling
Usually produces "dirty" results
A biased approach & A two-stage method
Very good at handling Specular-Diffuse-Specular (SDS) paths and generating caustics
Caustics refer to the visible pattern caused by the focusing or concentration of light or other waves as they pass through or reflect off a curved or irregular surface. It is commonly observed as bright or dark patches, streaks, or rippling patterns in the vicinity of the surface.
Stage 1 - Photon Tracing
Emitting photons from the light source, bouncing them around, then recording photons on diffuse surfaces
Stage 2 - Photon Collection
Shoot sub-paths from the camera, bouncing them around, until they hit diffuse surfaces
Calculation - Local Density Estimation
Idea: areas with more photons should be brighter
For each shading point, find the nearest
K-Nearest Neighbour Clustering
Compute the density of the photons
Local density estimation isn't correct
But in the sense of limit,
More photons emitted implies
the same
Biased, but consistent
Understanding biases in rendering:
Biased == Blurry
Consistent == Not blurry with infinite #samples
Why not do a "const range" search for density estimation?
Results in inconsistency (not converging)
A combination of BDPT and Photon Mapping
Key idea:
Utilize those unused sub-paths in BDPT if their endpoints cannot be connected but can be merged
Use photon mapping to handle the merging of nearby "photons"
Adapted in the movie industry
Also called many-light approaches
Key idea:
-Lit surfaces can be treated as light sources
Shoot light sub-paths and assume the endpoint of each sub-path is a Virtual Point Light (VPL)
They stop at diffuse surfaces
Render the scene as usual using these VPLs
Fast and usually gives good results on diffuse scenes
Spikes will emerge when VPLs are close to shading points
Related to the inverse quadratic term (
Cannot handle glossy materials
Industry often uses path-tracing.
Non-surface models
Participating Media
Hair/Fur/Fiber (BCSDF)
Granular Material
Surface Models
Translucent Material (BSSRDF)
Detailed Material (Non-statistical BRDF)
Procedural Appearance
At any point as ligh travels through a participating medium, it can be (partially) absorbed and scattered
Use Phase Function to describe the angular distribution of light scattering at any point
Randomly choose a direction to bounce
Randomly choose a distance to go straight
At each "shading point", connect to the light
Colored highlights
Uncolored highlights
Model the hair as a cylinder
When light hits the cylinder, it is diffused
Glass-like cylinder
Outside: Cuticle
Inside: Cortex, colored, partial light absorbtion
3 types of light interactions:
Cannot realize the diffusive and saturated appearance if represented as human hair
Similarity: Cuticle, Cortex, Medulla
Fur has its medulla significantly larger
Importance of Medulla in Human Hair
Procedural Definition
Define basic units for construction
Material | Example |
Jade | ![]() |
Jellyfish | ![]() |
Translucent: Both scattering and absorption
Subsurface Scattering: Visual characteristics of many surfaces caused by light exiting at points different from which it enters at.
Violates a fundamental assumption of the BRDF
BSSRDF (Subsurface Scattering): generalization of BRDF; exitant radiance at one point due to incident differential irradiance at another point:
Generalization of rendering equation: integrating over all points on the surface and all directions
Apprximate light diffusion by introducting two point sources
A collection of twisted fibers
Two levels of twist
Woven or knitted
Given the weaving pattern, calculate the overall behavior
Cannot simulate materials such as velvet
Properties of individual fibers & their distribution -> scattering parameters
Render as a participating medium
Render every fiber explicitly
Not always perfect.
Surface = Specular microfacets + statistical normals
Distribution of Normals should match that in the reality
Normal Distribution Function, NDF
Path sampling is difficult
Hard to find a path that connects the camera and the light source
Compute normals inside the area where a pixel is projected to
Procedure: When needed, just compute
Define details without textures
Compute a noise function on the fly
3D noise -> internal structure if cut or broken
Generate structures