Make Computer Graphics great again
Ed Catmull
Pat Hanradan
Mesh Subdivision (Upsampling): Increase resolution.
Loop Subdivision: New/old vertices updated differently
1. Insert new vertices: Split each triangle into four.
2. Update positions of vertices
For new vertices:
Update the position to:
For old vertices:
Catmull-Clark Subdivision (General Mesh)
Extraordinary vertex: vertex that has
Non-quad face
1. Add new vertices
Add vertex at the center of each face
Add midpoint on each edge
Connect all new vertices
2. Update the Mesh
face point, edge point, vertex point...
Mesh Simplification (Downsampling): Decrease resolution; Try to preserve shape/appearance.
Edge Collapsing: Contract two vertices into one.
Quadric Error Metrics: New vertex should minimize its sum of square distance (L2 distance) to previously related triangle planes.
(Garland & Heckbert 1997):
Approximate distance to surface as sum of distances to planes containing triangles
Iteratively collapse edge with smallest score
Mesh Regularization: Improve the quality of the mesh; Try to make the shape of each triangle regularized.
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