Signals are changing too fast (high frequency) but sampled too slowly.
Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem: If a function
Higher frequencies need faster sampling.
Aliases: Two frequencies that are indistinguishable at a given sampling rate are called "aliases".
Convolution Theorem: Convolution in the spatial domain is equal to multiplication in the frequency domain, and vice versa.
Sampling Artifact: Caused by sparse sampling.
Increase sampling rate:
Higher res. displays, sensors, framebuffers...
Costly and may need very high solution
Make Fourier contents "narrower" before repeating (low-pass filter).
MSAA - Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing: Approximate the effect of the 1-pixel box filter by sampling multiple locations within a pixel and averaging their values.
FXAA - Fast Approximate AA
TAA - Temporal AA
Super Resolution / Super Sampling
DLSS - Deep Learning Super Sampling
Store current min
Transparent objects cannot be directly processed .