
Collection of Notes of Various CG Courses, Textbooks and Papers

Author: IskXCr - GitHub

View notes online at IskXCr - CG-Note-Misc.

IskXCr - CG-Note-Misc

IskXCr - CG-Course-Misc

IskXCr - CG-Textbook-Misc

IskXCr - CG-Paper-Misc


Q: Why does the repository mainly contain HTML code?

A: Because some notes written in Markdown are compiled to HTML for better viewing experience on inline math.


This repository contains notes of various courses, textbooks and papers in computer graphics.

The current list is as follows.

Course Code Course Name Instructor Affiliation Link
GAMES-101 Introduction to Computer Graphics Prof. Lingqi Yan UCSB GAMES-101
GAMES-202 Real-Time High Quality Rendering Prof. Lingqi Yan UCSB GAMES-202

Course Repositories


At the root level, you will find the folders associated with each specific course. Within each folder a file provides an introduction to that course, related information (such as copyright disclaimer) and selected demos made by us.